Seasons – To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven Eccl. 3:1

Verses 1 thru 8 of Ecclesiastes vividly and emphatically declares that there are seasons in life. Webster’s Dictionary defines seasons as, “a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature.” There are four set seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. In some geographical locations, the “weather” does not change, but the “season” always changes. For example, in Miami during the Winter (the season), it is hot (the weather) just as it is during the summer (the season). Likewise, spiritually, we have seasons in our lives. Seasons of trials, tests, ups, downs, sowing, reaping, defeat and victory.

As the weather began to cool, the Spirit of the Lord spoke and simply said “the season is changing.” In fact, the season has changed; Fall, or what is commonly called Autumn, is now upon us. I began to thank the Lord for the change of the season, and for the cool morning breeze. Well, that was not the heart of what the Spirit of the Lord was speaking about seasons. He began to explain that just as the natural seasons change so do the spiritual seasons, and just as He has placed the natural seasons on earth, He has also placed the spiritual seasons in our lives. In Genesis 8:22, God declares, “while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Daniel 2:21 states, “And He changeth the times and the seasons…” It is indeed God that has set seasons in place, both naturally and spiritually.

He, the Spirit of the Lord, further explained that just as there is a gradual turning of the natural seasons, there is also a gradual turning of the spiritual seasons in our lives. We do not transition from a summer day to a cold day – first the mornings cool, then the evenings cool, and then the entire day is cool and we find ourselves in the season of Fall. Likewise, we do not move from a trial immediately to victory – there is a process, a gradual change and that change takes place within us.

The Holy Spirit warns, however, that the enemy wages war against us when it is time for a seasonal change in our lives. He wages war against our minds, he uses our weaknesses against us, and he also uses those close to us to inflict hurt and pain. The enemy knows that change for most of us is difficult. He knows that we are comfortable with the familiar, so he makes it more difficult for us when God is causing a season of change in our lives.

How do we get through our spiritual seasons? We know how to get through seasons of joy, peace, good health and victory. We know how to shout hallelujah on the mountain top, but it’s those seasons of trials and testings that we find difficult to get through. We must remember that God ordained the seasons, and there will always be seasons in our lives, and remember that it is just a season – it will change. God Almighty designed it that way.

Psalm 16:7 reads, “I will bless the Lord who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.” It is interesting that David would call this time of trouble in his life, “night seasons;” a time of darkness, perhaps caused by disappointment, attacks, etc. David shows us what to do during a night season. He said, “I will bless the Lord.” Why? Because, “He guides me. Even at night my heart instructs me.” David is saying, during his night seasons, his heart will instruct him. David’s heart can instruct him because he has done Psalm 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Knowing and believing what the Word of God says about whatever season we are facing takes us through the season. Knowing that the Word of God says, “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” (Psalm 30:5); “…let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). If we don’t faint, it will change. We need to understand that “due season” is God’s time – not our time.

We have to be faithful to God in whatever season we find ourselves. Paul stated in Philippians 4:11 that, “…I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” We have to “learn” to do the same. I believe what Paul learned was that it was just a season and it will change. Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2, “…to be ready in season and out of season…” We too need to be ready with the Word of God in our season of victory and our season of testing.

About DearEncourager

Make your words count! Ephesians 4:29
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34 Responses to Seasons – To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven Eccl. 3:1

  1. Alvin Smith says:

    This is prophetically accurate and timely. The battle is never about the season, but to make sure you do not enter the season. Thank you so very much for entering the new season of God in your personal call and qualification, so that we might follow and enter into the timing of God. Enjoyed this tremendously.


  2. J. Gail says:

    This message came right on time Lady, thank you!


  3. sleepy neal says:

    Hey that is encouraging to those who are decerning the word, remember these words of Howard Thurman “men will rise up to meet a great occasion, but it is the tiny nothings of life which subdue and conquer us. sleepy neal


  4. Malik Jones says:

    I was faced with many questions as sometimes we all are however,I was led back to this blog at 2:15am to reread it,I did and it was then that the tears of joy fell peace direction and joy was restored. For those that have an ear let him hear I have, and as the passage states..I bless the lord in this very hour. Praise God for such insight!! Encouraging those who believe. Amen.


  5. Akinyi Mumbi says:

    Encourager, Dear, thank you for demonstrating that the colored threads that weave their way through each of our individual life tapestries come from a common Thread. Your victory is our victory, Sis, and always – to God be the Glory!


  6. Debbie Harris says:

    Great encouraging word my sister it ministered straight to my heart. Thank you for sharing. I was truly blessed.


  7. Heshima says:

    As with everything in life … this is right on time. Thank you! I was in a powerful discussion with a heart friend today about how it is possible to show generosity to specific family who do not express in loving or supportive ways. In fact, they may operate in ways that seem to diminish, discourage & weigh us down. What we were reminded of during this conversation is that nothing is by accident & God did not send us here to suffer needlessly. There are powerful & profound lessons we are meant to learn as a part of our precious journey. We are all children of God and meant to be an expression of God in this realm. And each of us can only express as our individual selves. There is no one who has or will ever express as me, except for me, just as there is no one who has or will ever express as you, but you. So it is our duty & our right to express as our unique, but connected selves. And a part of that expression is understanding that our lives, experiences and wisdom come according to seasons.

    There are seasons in which we will flourish and not flourish – to understand abundance. There are seasons in which we will be extremely challenged – to understand our God-given strength, capacity & power. There are seasons in which we will seemingly fail – to ultimately understand that there is no such thing as failure – only that which works & what doesn’t work. And there are seasons in which we experience death – wherein we have the opportunity to get complete on the incompletions in our lives; or get clear on what really matters & what is simply not worthy of our precious consideration; or get clear on the fact that we are perfect, whole & complete exactly as we are and are not, because we are children of God and have been allowed to exist for a divine purpose.

    Your sharing only serves as a reminder that we are in a very powerful season when we are presented with the opportunity to chose to love, be accepting of and be completely generous to those closest to us who do not express the same. Therein lies our opportunity to fully express as our God-selves, and therefore experience the grace, magnificence and pure love that is born of God.

    So thank you dear Encourager for reminding us to be be grateful for & not resist the seasons of this extremely precious life.


  8. Terri Lynn says:

    Dear Encourager,
    Such a Power-filled message! Thanks to God for using you to Bless us with your words of encouragement. I WILL learn, “in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” I look forward to much more of your work!
    May love and peace abound!!!!


  9. Latoya Wesley says:

    CONFIRMATION!!!!! Right on time…. can’t wait for the next entry!


  10. point reazon says:

    Thank you Dear Encourager. God strenghthen you more. And may you continue to be inspired and be here for us.
    The fisrt time I read this, I was very quiet, I felt it. The way you broke it all down in bits, Thank You.
    The article is definitely a blessing and eye opener.
    Many are still going to be touched and transformed by it. And this blog will blow up soon. Prepare for traffic.

    God Bless and Be With You, dear Encourager


  11. Trish Jordan says:

    DearEncourager I thank God for you and your words. This is truly a blessing. I look forward to your next blog and the one after that…and the one after that….:) Much love!


  12. ralpheal says:

    i like your blog, its nice


  13. A Mcconnell-Ventus says:

    Grace and peace to you.


  14. m says:

    This was truly a Blessing to me and Im sure to Everyone who reads…You are an Encourager Dear


  15. G Hill says:

    This is so awesome!!!. Eccl.3:1 is one of my cornerstones. The way you paraphhrased it is perfect. THANK YOU, for giving me this blessing. G H


  16. Tamika Perry says:



  17. Latosha Sullivan Nettles says:



  18. Alexa K. Morgan says:

    Thank you for sharing, I found the words very insightful and inspiring. Alexa


  19. Dave Jordan says:

    Dear Encourager,
    What a wonderful word, perfect for the new season. Years ago I realized that my life had ebbs and flows based on the change of the seasons. In some seasons there were times of prosperity and good health and in others seemingly just the opposite. I thought back, and realized that times of prosperity happened during the same seasons. Just as you said for everything there is a season and everything God created works in seasons, from the way trees and flowers grow, to the way and the time birds and animals mate. Of all the creatures God made, He made us with a will to choose for ourselves; however this does not make us ammune to seasonal changes both natural and spiritual. I believe that if we take the time to meditate on the Word of God and commune with god we will be able to realize and recognize how each season affects our lives. By getting in tune with God instead of attempting to get Him to be in tune with us, we may be able to see His divine plan for us in the season of its intent. Our lives are not meant to be without direction, change and purpose. By trusting God we may yet be able to understand His purpose but I guess that will happen in each individual’s season of understanding. I wrote a poem about it some years ago and here it is:
    Know Your Season
    It is important to know your time and season
    If you are to find your purpose and reason
    Why sometimes you’re flowing and sometimes you’re not
    Why some miss the target and still others hit the spot
    Take note of small creatures, namely the ant
    Knowing when to harvest and when to plant
    Sow your seed when you have times of good flow
    Then reap the rewards when times are slow
    The trick is to know what season you are in
    Or else get caught in a vicious tail spin
    Look always to God to show you His perfect way
    Stay focused on Him and you will always be okay
    Now prayerfully think back over all your years
    The times that caused heartache, sorrow and tears
    You’ll probably see the season is always the same
    Now you should know how to stay ahead of the game
    The opposite season is the time you should sow
    So be ready to plant and watch your seed grow
    Praise God for the insight about these things
    And thank Him for the joy that this knowledge brings
    Dave Jordan


  20. Janie says:

    Beautiful and Amen. We must take God at his word, for we know God cannot lie. We must trust him in season and out.


    • Thank you for taking the time to read and post a comment. Appreciate you! Peace and blessings always!


    • Just wanted to share a comment one of my good friends left on my blog that you didn’t get to see. He gives us more insight into Seasons and even penned a beautiful poem. Be blessed.

      I wrote a poem about it some years ago and here it is:
      Know Your Season
      It is important to know your time and season
      If you are to find your purpose and reason
      Why sometimes you’re flowing and sometimes you’re not
      Why some miss the target and still others hit the spot
      Take note of small creatures, namely the ant
      Knowing when to harvest and when to plant
      Sow your seed when you have times of good flow
      Then reap the rewards when times are slow
      The trick is to know what season you are in
      Or else get caught in a vicious tail spin
      Look always to God to show you His perfect way
      Stay focused on Him and you will always be okay
      Now prayerfully think back over all your years
      The times that caused heartache, sorrow and tears
      You’ll probably see the season is always the same
      Now you should know how to stay ahead of the game
      The opposite season is the time you should sow
      So be ready to plant and watch your seed grow
      Praise God for the insight about these things
      And thank Him for the joy that this knowledge brings
      Dave Jordan


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